Kay Bishop | Portfolio



ITC 5642 Design & Development of Digital Media | Dr. Herb Brown



This is my first semester to be enrolled in the Educational Media Graduate program. My goal is to become a better educator and implement new tools in the classroom.

Text Formatting/Hyperlinks

This is the first web page that I created in this course. It includes basic text formatting and hyperlinks.


I placed several thumbnail images and linked them to larger versions of the same images on the page. I included a rollover image and a placeholder image.

CSS Formatting & Design

There is one web page with a linked masterstyle sheet. It includes the use of divs, background color, custom text formatting, and borders.


I created a layout using a table with 4 rows and 2 columns. I formatted the table colors, size, cell padding, and cell spacing.

Image Maps

I used a postcard image that I designed to add hyperlink features within it. Hotspot links include pages on a wordpress blog, a facebook page, and instagram account.


This webpage provides specific directions for the viewer to interact with the page. It includes a pop-up message, a show/hide element, and a property change.


This page includes an online form that can be processed and is linked to an email address.


A collapsible JQuery accordian panel is added to this web page, along with a menu bar at the top of the page.

Graphics Manipulation

Image manipulation in Adobe Photoshop is brought into the layout gallery. Effects such as layers,
filters, image adjustments, resizing, compression, and formatting are used.

Graphics Creation

I created a map shape in Adobe Illustrator, button graphics in Adobe Photoshop, and a logo in
Illustrator and Photoshop formats.

Video Editing

You can watch my video documenting my son's coloring book project. I used Adobe Premiere Pro
to edit video clips and add titles and sound.

Training Website

Learn how to create type with negative space and make animated GIFs with Lora Eggleston and I.

Desktop Video Capture

In this project, I used Camtasia Techsmith to make a desktop video capture of a Photoshop lesson.